Friday, April 27, 2012

The Working Gumball Machine Card

I found this idea some time ago on a wonderful blog. When my old computer crashed I lost all sorts of terrific places and information so I designed this from memory. Well, my memory must not be too great because it took me two days of fiddling with it to get it just

Well, after a good two days, three messed up prototypes,and lots of screen shots and typing of instructions it is here to be shared. This card is a lot of fun since it actually works!

The look on my friend's face when she turned the knob and got a tic-tac made me laugh.I hope your friends and family will have as much fun with this card as we did.

 The most important thing about the candy you choose to put in it is to make sure you notched out the Sweet Treat cup enough but not too much for you candy to fall through to the mechanism. The mechanism is a pain in the rear to make and you also have to make sure you tuck in that paper just right so it can catch the right  size of candy you have chose. Don't ask me how I know this is important...LOL.

You can download this cutting file here The instructions are below. Please remember, I love to share but I ask you link back to my blog here and please don't share this on other websites, sale it, or claim it as your own cutting file. After all of this serious stuff I want to add...ENJOY and HAVE FUN with it.

P.S. This morning I found this...Woohoo! This video tutorial is from the blog where I first saw this idea. Sadly, she has stopped blogging. This video tutorial is from StayingCrafty. Gumball Machine Video Tutorial Part 1

Forgive all of my typos on the instructions. No spell check in


  1. You are so talented, Debbie. I always appreciate and love your files. You are so generous for sharing these with us.

  2. Think this is a brilliant idea, Debbie. Must admit to being a bit confused about the working mechanism - but it doesn't take much. LOL. Thanks for sharing this with everyone too.
    Tine (Addie24)

  3. Very cute! Thanks, Debbie! And thank you, also, for the link to the video. I have a pack of 12 shaker boxes that have been sitting unopened, waiting for the perfect use. This is it!!!

  4. I will pass on this but it really is a unique card. Definitely worth all the time and trouble to get things working. Thanks for freely sharing your files.

  5. Thanks everyone. Have fun with this.

  6. I know a little guy who will love this card for his birthday. Thank you for sharing this amazing card idea and cut file.


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