Wednesday, August 8, 2012

An Early Christmas from Patricia Zapata

Hi everyone! I'm so excited to have this wonderful and fun cutting file designed by Patricia Zapata. If you want to make your very own Nutcracker and get a bit ahead of the holidays please visit Patricia Zapata's store A Little Hut.

I won this awesome cutting file from Linda K. over at her delightful blog The Paper Boutique . I am addicted to visiting there almost every day. She has loads of information, tutorials, reviews, and soooo.... much more. It's one of my favorite places to hang out and get inspired. She gets me running to the craft store a

Both of the Nutcrackers were cut out with my Silhouette Cameo. The first one I wasn't as happy with because I didn't add some of my kind of Christmas flare. As you all know by now; I'm not the greatest photographer so after photographing the adorable Nutcrackers they sort of looked washed out. Oh how I need a light box or something to get better photos.Perhaps I should take photography classes again. :-)

Even though I hesitate to do this; I am going to share photos of both Nutcrackers. The second one (Gittered up hat Nutcracker) I used Mulberry paper for the hair, mustache, and beard. I wanted the hair elements to be a bit dimensional with a  fuzzy look. The glittered up gold bands were painted with Mod Podge, sprinkled with ultra-fine glitter, then sealed with Mod Podge after the glitter completely dried. This really helps to stop all of that glitter from falling all over the place. It's hard to see in the pictures but the blushed cheeks are chalked on.

Speaking of glitter! If you like glitter and sparkles, you will want to check out Linda's video on glitter and glitter techniques. It will save you some crafting dollars and add to your glittering fun. Like I said; her blog The Paper Boutique is a great place to learn about all sorts of things. I love to go there and listen to her reviews of new products. I'm a thrift crafter so I hate to waste crafting dollars on bad purchases. I've made a few of those over the

I would like to add a great big thank you to Patricia Zapata for donating this amazing cutting file and to Linda K. for hosting this fabulous give away. THANK YOU LADIES! :-)

My second Nutcracker

Mustache, Beard, Hair and Glittery Bands

My first try at the Nutcracker


  1. Those are absolutely adorable. They look like they were fun to make also. Love all the details.

    LOL! So far Linda hasn't really enabled me to spend much except at the dollar store. I do like some of her frugal ideas. Her glitter videos are the best.

    Thanks for sharing your creations.

  2. Fantastic job Debbie...loving all the bling :)

  3. Fabulous, love the glittered up one and his realistic looking mustache! And I visit Linda every day, too. The things I've learned from her, I could write a book!

  4. I love them both!! I so appreciate the shout out and wonderful comments! You are too kind.

    I am so going to borrow your wonderful ideas! The glitter and fake fur are wonderful additions!! Did I mention, I love the feather and I am off to add one to my nutcracker. Yahoo!!


  5. I just realized you used mulberry paper instead of fake fur. Now I am even more impressed!! You made it look so real I thought it was fake fur! Now I am off to buy mulberry paper!


  6. I love these Nutcrackers. They are cute. You're much more patient than I am.

  7. Diane, you can sew so I know you can make a Nutcracker. Sewing takes a lot more patience. Besides, you are talented and creative.

  8. Great job Debbie! I love the addition of the feather and the use of mulberry paper. Very cool!
    Thank you for your kind words too! :)

  9. This is awesome! I love it Debbie! You are so talented.


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