Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Faux Embossing

Hello friends of the crafting community. I've been a bit under the weather and not seeing things too clearly by having a bit of blurred vision but I did want to share with you a wonderful Photoshop technique. When I get back to feeling chirpy I'll  make a video tutorial on this technique.

 Faux embossing is one of my favorite techniques using Photoshop. I've used this technique for some time now. I love to design Christmas seals for the backs of my card envelopes. They really look like you place an embossed seal on them and add that little extra nice touch to special cards.

I've been honored by an invitation to be a designer on The Bugbytes team. Once a month I'll be posting and sharing over there. So instead of posting here and there with the same thing I'm going to leave you all with a link and an invitation to come visit. If you would like to get all of the creative details, learn more about this technique,grab a little faux fun freebie, and check out some inspiring posts from the other designers please stop by here-------> The Bugbytes

Below is the picture of the "Dare to Dream" faux embossed card. So what do you all think? Does it look embossed?

Thanks for stopping by. I hope to be feeling better real soon so I can get back to crafting, card making, and sharing. Wishing you all many blessings. xxx - Debbie


  1. Sorry you have been under the weather. Hope you get to feeling better soon.

    I love your faux embossing. I am going to have to learn how to do that. Thanks for sharing your beautiful creation.

  2. Feel better soon, Debbie! Your paper is gorgeous and so is the cut butterfly!

  3. This is so beautiful. I love the butterfly cut. What a great idea to use them as faux embossing. The silhouette for sure cuts fine. And how sweet of you to share the lovely file.TFS

  4. Love love your beautiful card. Get well soon and please let me know if I can help in any way.


  5. Debbie, this is beautiful and those butterflies do look embossed, what a great idea, hope you are feeling chipper and seeing straight soon. hugs

  6. Great card Debbie :)
    Hope you feel better soon Sweetie

  7. Sorry to hear you are not feeling well , sending you some virtual hugs ,,,, love your card , and yes it does look embossed , its brilliant .....

    Congrats on being chosen for the DT ,thats fab news and i am really happy for you ....Hugs Sue xx

  8. *Gasp* This is BEAUTIFUL!!! Yes it does look embossed. I wanna know how :D Thanks for the links and congratulations on being asked to design for bugbytes. I'm on my way to check em out!

    Praying you are feeling better soon ♥

  9. Yes, Debbie, it does look embossed. The card is beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing this file. Please take care of yourself and get well soon. Congratulations on your DT news!! I've signed up for email updates from Bugbytes, so thanks for sharing this site, too. Big Hugs!!

  10. Hi Debbie!
    What a beautiful Card!

    I have a silhouettequestion for you. I just baught sketchpens and wanted to do My own patternpaper in different colours. Is there an easy Way to do this? Can I for example put 5 designs on My paper but only make the Sd paint it one at the time so I can change color for each one?

    I hope you do understand My try to explain it in english :).
    Btw, I love your tutorials on youtube.

    Hugs all the Way from Sweden :)

  11. Best wishes for a speedy recovery, Get Well Soon Debbie and feel better, if not go to the doctor and see what is wrong, don't over look things. God Bless

  12. Hi everyone, thank you for visiting and for leaving some blog love. :-)

    Carola, you can sketch a design using different colors as long as you can separate the design. For example, if you have a row of circles you want sketched in the color blue this row will be the selected row to sketch and all of the other rows would have to be set to "No Cut" in the "Cut Style" window settings. Next you would select the next row of the pattern, change out your sketch pen then go to the cut style window to choose this as the row to be cut/sketched and make sure all of the other rows are set to no cut. You would continue doing this until all of your pattern is sketched then you can remove it from the Silhouette. I hope this information is helpful for you. You can always email me if you have any other questions, I'll be happy to help.

  13. Congratulations on joining the Bug Bytes team! That's exciting news, and they're lucky to have you!


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