Sunday, October 12, 2014

What A Year

For those who have been trying to reach me by email; I apologize for the lack of response. I just got out of the hospital. All I can say is; "What a year!"

My dear husband and daughter both had appointments. My husband was scheduled for surgery this past Friday and of course, as many might recall my dear daughter, Jennifer had her appointment in Ohio regarding her diagnosis of Chiari on Thursday. On Tuesday of this week I began having horrible left flank pain. I went to work, but the pain became almost unbearable so I made an appointment to see my doctor. He thought I had diverticulitis, pancreatitis, or cholectytis since my appendix had already been removed. He sent me to the hospital for a CAT scan which revealed I have a rare condition named; "Epliotic Appendagitis".

The morning I learned my diagnosis the pain had become more severe, my doctor was ill and had to leave work so I went to "Dr. Google" since the nurse could not explain what was going on and told me my doctor wanted me to go the Emergency Room to be admitted. As I read the information on this condition I learned it was self-eliminating with time, pain meds, and anti-biotics. He had already prescribed me two anti-biotics so I tried taking Ibuprofen for pain, used a heating pad, and of course took my anti-biotics. I had no appetite, but forced myself to eat some chicken noodle soup. Obviously, I had decided to try this first. I should have went to the ER. By morning I was so very sick to my stomach and in pain beyond words. My husband took me to the ER and they admitted me to give me IV anti-biotics, and pain medication. The surgeon wanted me to have yet another CAT scan. It was so horrible since I was (please excuse the graphic wording) projectile vomiting. My husband was beyond upset with the state I was in. I was so sick, drugged up on Dilaudid and yet I was awaiting news from my daughter who was now in Ohio and waiting for her test results and second consultation.

I asked them to please not give me anymore Dialudid until after I spoke to my daughter. Finally, I heard from Jennifer and the news was what we expected. She will have surgery on November 7th. They will make a one inch incision behind the base of her skull, through the Dura and place a patch that will expand the skull area so her brain will no longer lie on her C2 vertebrae. She'll be in the hospital for about 5 days. The recovery time will be about eight weeks and the hospital will be sending out a visiting nurse and social worker two days a week. We are all going to pitch in to help her recover and take care of all the home and family things she would normally be doing.Please keep her in your prayers.

Back to the other part of this story. After I heard from my daughter, she offered to take my husband to the hospital at 5:30 in the morning so he could have the surgery on his foot. She is the sweetest, kindest, and thoughtful child/person. We hated asking her to do this, but our other daughter who lives in town has a three year old and college classes so after classes she picked up Jennifer's children from daycare and took care of them while Jennifer went with my husband and came up to check on me. Our grandchildren were out of school on Friday. Can you believe the timing of everything.

The doctor wanted me to stay in the hospital one more day.I practically begged to be released so he told me if  I could keep lunch down he would let me go home. Before this I had not had anything to eat or drink for 48 hours. I ate a small lunch (admittedly, I had to fight my body and brain to keep this lunch down) I made it home before I was sick again. The good news is, my husband is in pain, but doing well for a man who just had his foot cut open, a screw placed in it and stapled back together, my pain scale went from w big 10 to a 5 and I know each day will bring us all to better health.

There is no true reason for "Epliotic Appendagitis". I'm not obese, so the surgeon believes it may have been brought on by all of the physical work we've been doing around our home since the remodel. The best way to explain this is: our bodies have adipose (fat pockets) that protect the peritoneum (lining of our colons) each of these pockets have a blood supply with veins and arteries. These veins and arteries attach to the peritoneum and provide a blood supply. The ones in my body suddenly became twisted and turned creating bulges, inflammation, and infection. Thus the excruciating pain, The surgeon will not do any surgery unless I have a recurrence. I'm thankful for this and now am praying to have a quick turn around. This can last anywhere from 10 days to 4 weeks. Since even the nurses at my doctor's office and in the hospital had never heard of this I thought I would draw up a picture I hope explains it better. I sure am glad this is rare. I hate to think of anyone getting this.

If I wasn't the one living this past year I would not believe all of this could be going on in one family. Thank you all for your love, thoughts, and prayers,


  1. Oh my goodness, I am so very sorry that your family is enduring such medical challenges. Hopefully the worst is past and there will be resolution and healing. I am sending you best wishes for both. I am so glad you have each other to lean on!

  2. bonjour,

    bravo pour tant de courage, je suis de tout cœur avec vous !
    avec toute mes pensées sincères et profondes


  3. Our thoughts and prayers and with your entire family! You are all in need of a huge outbreak of goodness in your lives and that is what I'm praying for, for you! Many Blessings, Melitta

  4. Ok so now we all know where everyone stands.
    In order now.
    Prayers for you, healing quickly for your hubby dude, and start a longer prayer chain right now for Jennifer.
    Do I have that right?
    As I was reading this, I kept thinking, should I laugh or cry.
    Well, neither, I am just praying for Gods mercy and healing on your family.
    God has plans for you and you sharing this is just a way of showing,m "He is in all things"
    When things become overwhelming for me, I remember the song "His eye is on the sparrow, so I know he is watching me" {Matthew 6:26}
    Hugs, loves, and prayers, coming your way.

  5. So sorry to hear of all these health issues with you and your family! And...things I've never heard of before. Certainly hope things turn around soon! As always - keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers!!!! Hugs!!

  6. OMG! I'm soooo very glad you are o.k.! Hope you have complete & speedy recovery!

  7. Wow, I say, what a year! Things sound like they did a slow turn around and all of you will be recovering, however slowly, in your own time frame.

  8. Wow, what an awful experience, all the way around. Best wishes to you all!

  9. Oh Debbie, what a time you have been having. Keep getting better, big hugs, keeping you close in prayer ,Lyn xxx

  10. Oh my goodness! I am so very sorry for all the craziness going on in your family! Prayers to all for minimal pain and quick recoveries.Take one day at a time and don't be afraid to accept help from friends in your area - for childcare, meals, etc!

  11. Debbie - Sending prayers your way for you and your daughter during your illnesses. Quick recoveries for you both. A much better next year for your family!

  12. oh poor girl! Take care of yourself and REST! My best to your daughter and husband as well!

  13. WHOA!! You and yours have definitely been under attack! Wow. I am glad that this latest has eased up and you are no longer in major discomfort. Good news for your daughter, too. Still praying for her and her medical providers to have wisdom and patience in her treatment. Looks like I will have to add you to the prayer list again. And then go buy a medical dictionary before I read any more of your posts! Whatever did we do without Google??

  14. When you think you have had enough 'the universe' can be very testing - all my best vibes are going out to you and yours. I'll stop 'bitching' about the twinge in my foot. Big bests coming your way from Western Australia - I agree 'ciloma' - how did we get on without 'Mr/Mrs Goggle'!

  15. Oh my gosh! You have certainly been through the wringer! What doesn't kill us makes us stronger, that country singer says, so by now you and your family should be Atlas strong! So glad you are on the mend, and will certainly be keeping your daughter in prayer. Hugs, Shawna

  16. Wow what a horrible time of it you've all had, All the very best to you and your family.

  17. Oh Debbie, I am so with you on all you've been thru. I have had a year very similar to yours so I can truly sympathize with you. Prayers are on the way for you and the family - isn't it so gratifying when they all pitch in to help out! That's how we raised them, isn't it? I just keep in my head "this too shall pass" but I also keep wondering "what is God trying to tell me?" Haven't figured it out yet. Take care of yourself and best wishes to your husband and daughter!

  18. Oh my goodness, Debbie I'm so sorry to hear your family is going through all of this, and at the same time. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you, I'll pray you don't have a recurrence, your husband heals well and your daughters surgery is a success.

  19. When it rains it pours :(. So sorry for your family's health troubles. You are all in my thought and prayers, my dear.


  20. Sorry sorry to hear of all the issues you are having this year.My prayers and thoughts are sent your way.God never gives more than we can handle,sometimes I wonder if he picks the wrong person,but I know that isn't possible..
    Blessings Jocelan

  21. Sorry to hear about all the health issue. This has been a year for you and your family. I pray that things will continue to get better for everyone.

  22. I'm so sorry to hear everything that is going on with you and your beloved family. But, now you have answers and solutions, so things will get better. I will keep you, your husband, and your daughter in my thoughts and prayers.

  23. Praying for you and your family. So sorry to hear of your trials. Guess God is just testing you so he can send you BIG blessings.

    Take care.

  24. Debbie, I'm so sorry to hear of all of your family's and now your own horrible health problems. I hope and pray that things get better for all of you soon.

  25. Just wanted you to know that you are still in my thoughts and prayers. Hope things are improving and you and the family are getting back to normal! I check your blog every day and will be so glad to hear that your health is improving!


  26. Goodness I thought my family was going thru a lot at one time with cancer and other medical things happening. But none of us have had to have surgery at the same time. God Bless You and I will be praying for all of you to have quick recoveries.

  27. Prayers for your family <3 be glad you did get a name and definition to work with! Did they suggest different foods? Blessings to you

  28. I'm still missing you and so worried about you. Please just check in with us. We love you.

    1. Hi Sheryl, thank you so much for thinking of us. I'm so sorry not to have been able to blog or truly do too much of anything else. I'm working a full time job now. My dear daughter had a very long recovery from her Chiari surgery and of course I had a couple of health issues. Hopefully, things will slow down and I can get back to blogging, crafting, and making videos again. I miss having play time. Love and hugs, Debbie


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