Monday, June 4, 2012

Sketching Fun

Ever since I received a great little gift from Sue Reynolds (maker of HotPaws pent tool) I've been creating sketch files to play with. The angel I had drawn from a sticker my grandaugther had and the ballerina I had drawn from a coloring page she had.

When I create these, I try to make several different types of files. These have a .png color file, .jpeg color file,(both 72 and 300dpi), a sketch for Studio, sketch .svg, sketch .dxf. Hopefully this will cover all of the different file formats everyone uses for various cutting machines.The colored images can be auto traced if you prefer not to sketch them.

Below are the pictures of the angel and ballerina. If you would like to have these files; I've zipped them with all of the different file formats like dxf, .svg. and Studio. I hope you like these sketch files and can use them for one of your crafty creations.

The first picture of the angel was sketched with my new HotPaws pen tool and colored with Copics. I love how easy it is to use this pen tool and now I can use my Stardust Gelly Roll pens!...woohoo! Thank you Sue Reynolds. To get your HotPaws Pen tool, click on this link HotPaws Pen Tool

Angel Sketch Download for Studio only

Ballerina Sketch and Color Zip File Download

Sketched with the HotPaws pen tool and colored with Copics

Also sketched with the HotPaws pen tool and colored with Copics.

The color image file looks like this .

Picture of the color image file


  1. Enjoyed reading this post as I've been debating about getting the pen tool. Good to know that the Stardust Gelly Roll pens will work in it.

    Thanks also for the free files. Love that Ballerina.

  2. Debbie,
    Your work is awesome! I can't wait until I get to play with my new holder too!

  3. Thank you Rhoda and Myoriah. It's so nice to have you both stop for a visit. I hope you enjoy the sketch files. I'll try to get some more made to share.


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