Saturday, July 21, 2012 working with Studio Tutorial

Earlier I had posted about a wonderful site Clever Someday ( Kay) from the Silhouette Plus forum and her blog Clever Someday shared. After I had read her post the excitement of being able to make and use 4 patterns on one page thrilled me. I made a template and shared it her in the first post about so every one could enjoy the benefits of using this fun and handy  on line tool. I had also promised to make a video tutorial on how to use this site to create patterns and use them with the Studio software. Here is the video. I hope you give it a try. I've really enjoyed using it for so many recent projects. Have fun!


  1. WOWZA WOWZA!!!! this is SUPER DUPER COOL!!!! I can't wait to try this!!!

  2. Fab tutorial, Debbie. Love it how there is always something new to learn.
    Tine :)

  3. I always learn so much from your videos. This one is especially good and one I know I will use

  4. Thank you all so much for stopping in and leaving a comment. I hope you all get the chance to try this fun on line tool. I'm so grateful to Clever Someday (Kay) for sharing her information. I would never have thought of using a 4 square template to make coordinating paper.

  5. Thanks so much. Now I'll never get any housework done. I do want to mention to make sure that pop-ups are allowed for the site. Other wise you can not save as image. LOL! I just happened to glance up and see that pop-ups were blocked.

  6. Great video. Thanks for all the time you spent making this tutorial!

  7. Hey Debbie.....Do I need to Subscribe/Register to the scrapcoloring site? I'm having an awfull time registering with them.
    I'm EXCITED Too!! Thank-You for your Videos on Knowledge :O)

  8. Hi Oldgurl4, You should just be able to click the link on the site and use the fun gadgets. I never registered, I just started using the tools. I hope you will be able to use them too.

    Thank you all for popping in here and leaving me some blog love. I love it!xxx-Debbie


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