Thursday, August 2, 2012

Adding to the Lace Floral Frenzy

Hello crafters and cutting machine users. I sort of got on a roll when I made the first two below. I really enjoyed designing these so here is one more if you would like to add it to your cutting file collections

Studio Butterfly Floral Cutting File Download


  1. Oh my gosh! I liked the first two but this one is absolutely gorgeous. Thanks for sharing your beautiful creation.

  2. Thanks for sharing the lovely file.

  3. Hi again, Debbie. You know, I think this is my favourite of the lacy flowers you have been creating. Gorgeous work.
    Tine :)

  4. Thank you for sharing your hard work. I will really enjoy using this

  5. Hi Carrie, thank you for visiting. I love designing cutting files and really enjoy giving back to the crafting community. This blog isn't visited too often so there are days when I think I should give it up and stick to crafting. When visitors come along and leaves a nice comment or sends me an email showing what they did; it makes it all well worth the time to keep this blog going.

  6. please dont leave us! you are a great inspiration. thank you for sharing your beautiful creations.

  7. Awww...thank you Phyllis. I love to share but this blog is a lot of work and way too quiet. When I closed down the website for the Silhouette Plus Learning Center it was because it was wayyy... too much work, time, and expense for the amount of traffic. I always appreciate those whom visit and take the time to inspire me to share with such sweet comments. Not only are their not a lot of comments but the traffic here is low. I've not made up my mind on what to do yet so, I'll be hanging around until then. :)

  8. This is gorgeous Debbie!! Thanks, again, for sharing your hard work with us so freely!! xo

  9. Wow thank you's really lovely...!


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