Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Card Makers Unite for Those Battling Cancer

Card Care Connection is spreading the word about how all of us card makers can help out in a big way. There are so many of us whom lives have been affected by Cancer. If you remember some of my past post here, many of you will remember how my step-dad Tommie battled a long hard battle with cancer and sadly, he lost this battle. Many of you don't know this; recently our family has been hit with two more family members whom are now battling their cancers.

This organization has given all of us crafty little card makers a delightful way to share our card crafts. I'm thrilled to be a small part of it. So come on all of you creative card makers, let's unite to come together and help out this great organization. If any of you are like me; you already have a card stash ready to be mailed. I plan on doing this at least once a month. One little card made with love will spread some love, show those whom are battling cancer that they are not alone. Doing things like this is good for the soul.

Below is the information on where you can send your card treasures. I would love to see your card creations so please feel free to email me a picture. Okay, card makers let's all start spreading the love and create smiles for those who could use some smiles at such a difficult time in their lives.

Krafting Kelly whom many of you know from the Silhouette Plus forum or her blog Finding Time to Create started this ball rolling. If all of us bloggers would post about Card Care Connection, just imagine how many cards this wonderful organization will receive. If you have a blog, please help spread the word.The more the merrier. xxx- Debbie


  1. You have such a wonderful heart Debbie ♥ Thank you for the information... I will be posting :D

  2. Thank you Lori for your sweet comment and for helping out. I think this is such a nice way to give back to a community of wonderful people dealing with some really hard and bad stuff. I'm so blessed to be able to do this and thank all of those who are participating in doing something to lift the spirits of others.

  3. Hi i am from Canada and i have sent in two parcels of cards to this organization. I also send send them about 6 or 7 cards a month and will continue to do this. I don't have a blog yet but hope to start one soon. Lynnette


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