Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Calling All CB09 Blade Holder and Blade Users - A Great Share!

I'm so excited to be able to share this wonderful idea that Pete; one of the Silhouette Plus forum members hsared on the forum. I wrote to him to ask his permission to share his brilliant idea here on my blog. When some wonderful share comes out I try to make sure I share it here.

for those of you whom struggle with the settings for the CB09; Pete has come up with a solution. I've basicaly left my setttings the same for every cut due to the fact I was never sure exaclt how much of the bald to expose. For this reason I do everything as a double cut which works out beautfiully but now I'm anxious to try Pete's wonderful idea. Below I've copied and pasted his post and I'll also be sharing the photos he took and the cutting file download link for the file he so kindly made for our CB09 blade holders.

"I thought this might be a handy idea for all of that use the CB09 blade. I just got mine, and decided to try to make things easier for myself.

I thought maybe I can replicate the numbers on the Silhouette blade, and make it easier to adjust.

I divided the top knurled screw into sets of 4 grooves as suggested by lots of people and then measured the circumference of the top of the body. (sounds technical, but in reality I wrapped a bit of paper round).

When I had done this, I divided the paper into the amount needed, marked lines at the top and printed numbers underneath, and stuck it to the barrel, making sure that the blade was set to no depth. It doesn’t matter where you align the zero, but when done, make sure you know where by marking it in some way before moving it.

I'm sorry if this explanation is a bit brief, but I have enclosed a picture which may explain what I mean, together with a few markers for you to cut and use, including a couple of spares, if you get in a mess like I did.

Bear in mind that as you are moving the knurled screw at the top, and not the barrel of the blade, the rotation will be clockwise!"

Here is the link to download the cutting file template Pete shared: Cut Blade Sttings Template - Studio File

Many thanks to Pete for allowing me to share this very helpful file and information here on my blog. Happy Crafting Everyone!


  1. Thank you for the trouble of bringing this to us.
    Tell Pete thanks too.
    You will have to tell him you "RE-Pete-ed" it on your blog.
    Bad I know, but it is what you get with me.

  2. Wow! What a great idea!! Looking forward to trying this! Thanks to Pete for sharing and to you for bringing it to us!

  3. Wow! I don't have the blade, but have been wanting to get one, so this may be the boost I need to get me to make the plunge. Thanks Debbie and Pete!!!! hugs, Patty

  4. Wow this is AMAZING, just set it up on my CB09 blade holder, cuts like a dream.:) Am so pleased to have this as it has always been hit or miss when I was setting this blade holder. Thank you, thank you. :) :) :)

  5. I just ordered the holder and blades and will definitely be trying Pete's method! Thank you Debbie for posting Pete's method!

  6. Debbie, Have you tried this yet? Hope you will update and let us know how it is working!

  7. oh wow that is a great tip...thank you for sharing with us...

  8. I put the label on my blade but unsure of how to turn the blade. As when I turn it to a number I need, the blade is hardly showing. Maybe I am misunderstanding how to turn the blade to the correct setting.
    Debbie will you post your comments when you have had a chance to try this out?
    Thanks a bunch!

    1. Hi Michelle, you would need to rotate it clockwise and the blade will hadly show depending on the number of times you turn it. I'll try to get mine all set up and post more about it. Our son is visiting us from Florida for the next few days but maybe I can squeeze in some time to do this in between our activities and visiting.

    2. Hi Michelle, I had the same problem that when I turned the the top clockwise it showed very little blade. So what I did was I found a very simple flower to cut and used my Silhouette blade (a new one) and cut the flower on the Silhouette settings for cardstock, blade 4, speed 3 and thickness 33. I then took my CB09 blade holder and set it on the same settings to cut the same flower, but there was not enough blade for the 4 to do a good cut, so I carried on turning the top and cutting until I got a cut that was very similar to the Silhouette on 4. I then removed the numbers (I had stuck them on with double sided tape) so it was easy to remove and I lined up the line I had marked for the 0 (on the top turning part) on the number 4. Did quite a few cuts and adjustments to get it as near to the Silhouette blade 4 as possible. That worked well. Hope this explains as clearly as I can what I did. :) Good luck, it worth the time to get it right.

    3. Thank you Julia, for this good information. My son is here visiting and we've been so busy but I did have the chance to print the template and try it out for a little bit. They kicked me out of my craft room so they could turn off the electricity to hang a new ceiling fan. Before they kicked me out I had the chance to cut the template and I replaced the old blade with a new one. I need to mess around with it more like you did because I'm finding that I still need to do a double cut to get a nice, clean cut that is easy to remove from the mat. Do you still have to double cut?

    4. Hi Debbie, no I didnt do a double cut. Cut fine with one cut, but I will try a double cut just to see what it is like, but would rather do just one cut, to save time. :) Maybe if I put it on 3 I would have to double cut. Will try it out and let you know.

  9. I just ordered the blades and housing so would love more info on this. I do a lot of paper cutting so run through my silhouette blades pretty quick. Please keep us informed and thank you Debbie for all your great video's I have learned quite a bit from you.

    1. Sharalyn, you are going to love it! I need to fiddle with mine a bit more as I find myself still needing to double cut to get the clean cuts I like so much. When I learn what I need to do to get down to being able to single cut card stock I'll be a happy camper and be sure to report back. Hugs, Debbie

  10. Just ordered mine too :) - hope I can figure it out!!

  11. Just ordered mine now! - only hope I can figure out the settings :O

  12. Debbie I shared this link on one of my groups the CB09 blade folks were excited:)Thanks I ordered my blade holder should be here by next week

  13. Wow, Debbie, this is phenomenal, that is, if we get it to work just like the Silhouette ratchet blade. I have downloaded the number marker provided by Pete (thank you so much, Pete!) but I have not had the chance to work on it yet. Have you done it with your CB09 holders? This is a great update! Thank you for sharing.

  14. Is there a cheat sheet somewhere that tells you which degree of blade to use at which setting for different types of materials you are cutting?

  15. I don't see my comment showing up, so I'll try again. After I put my blade together the blade is very tight in the black part and doesn't seem to be able to move. Isn't it supposed to be a little loose so that the blade will freely spin?

  16. Hi. Really hoping someone can help here. I ordered my holder and blades from the above link and they arrived after a month, but something seems to be wrong with the holder I think. The blades don't pivot in the holder like I think they are supposed (the original Cameo blades pivot). This means the blade is just ripping through anything I try cut, instead of slicing through. I've checked and rechecked the installation of the blade into the holder and am pretty sure that its installed correctly. What I'm finding is that the blade shaft isn't pivoting in that little brass magnetic piece at the back of the holder. If I try roll the shaft of the blade between my fingers whilst its seated in the brass piece, then it makes a clicking motion. Its not a smooth rotation so the blade shaft cant turn freely. Does anyone know if these holders use a bearing mounted in that little brass magnetic piece? If it does then my bearing must be faulty. Anyone else experiencing a similar problem with these CB09's or can check if their blades pivot in the holder? Many thanks

  17. If you find one please let everyone know... someone did post in one of my groups that you would
    use 30 degree blade with thicker materials, 60 for small intricate cuts and 45 for the rest. But i am not for sure.

  18. Here is a list:I hope this will be helpful. Hugs, Debbie
    30 degrees blade - used for thinner material
    45 degrees blade - used for medium to heavy materials
    60 degrees blade - used for thicker material and more detailed designs

  19. Here is another post I made on this blog which also might be helpful. It has a photo you can save.Here is the link: http://paperpulse.blogspot.com/2014/05/update-about-wonderful-cb09-blade.html

  20. Hi, I have a question, I ordered CB09 blade from a vendor and I think I was sent CB15 by mistake, if I wanted to set these up and pass them on, would the little sticker be the same or would it have a different space setting? Thank you, Jennifer

  21. Help, I have sanded my C09 down, but I can't get it in the corner where the tab sticks out (the part that keeps the holder from falling through the hole) so it doesn't sit totally flush. I have tried sand paper, an emory board and even a dremel. I am trying to cut my daughters wedding invitations on a very thick glossy card stock that was special ordered. I was going through SIL blades like crazy. I bought the 60 degree blades and would really like to get this to work. Any ideas?

  22. I just ordered my blades and holder, and am waiting for delivery. I noticed there is not "flange" or way to tell how to insert the blade holder as there is on the Silhouette blades. How do you know if the blade is inserted ccorrectly, are there markings? I would think the slant of the blade must be coordinated with the blade holder in order to cut and not rip. Thanks in advance for your help and tips

    1. Ligaya's blog has a wonderful article on her blog. It explains many things about the CB09 blade holder. Here is the link so you may check it out. http://ligayatg.blogspot.com/2012/04/aluminum-blade-holder.html

  23. do you have a vendor site to order CB09 to be sure you get the right one?

    1. This is the Ebay vendor I have used and I believe Ligaya used this vendor too:


  24. Theres no file in this link:

    Where I can download it?

  25. Hello Ivan, if you email me at the link on the right hand side that says, "Email Me"; I'll be glad to email it to you.


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