Tuesday, August 5, 2014

More About PixScan

The new PixScan software was released yesterday. If you haven't downloaded it yet you may want to get it now. Here is the link: Studio 3.1.417 PixScan

I've had the PixScan software and mat for at least three weeks. Since so much has been going on around here I haven't been able to dedicate as much time as I would have liked. I finally, buckled down and was determined to at least get my camera calibrated so I could try out the camera feature of PixScan. Once I realized what I was doing wrong when trying to calibrate my camera it was easy as can be. I was was taking the photo at too much of an angle. You need to take a photo of the calibration page (which is a bunch of black dots you'll print out on regular copy paper) from a "bird's eye view". Once I was able to get the right photo, it was like magic! The new software recognized my camera and even named it. All I had to do, was import the photo on the calibration page, click on the plus under the PixScan calibration area and there it was "Cannon, Powershot SX120". 

From here, I couldn't wait to try it out so I grabbed an old card that had a bunch of daisies on the front. I auto traced the center daisy and then auto traced the centers of the other daisies to use at a later time. Next, I opened up some shapes like stars and wheels, duplicated them and had drawn a square around the top portion of the solid blue and then chose this as my selected "Nesting" area, then chose "Use Selected" to use the square I had drawn as the area I wanted the shapes to fit into. I then clicked on the "Nest" and again, like magic they all nested perfectly into the area of blue I had drawn the square. I then deleted the square to make sure it wouldn't cut. I just wanted the stars and wheel shapes to cut. 

This week I will be having a phone conversation with a representative of Silhouette. He will be walking me through the steps of using the scanner. For some reason, I just can't figure this out. I've been close, but just cannot figure out how to "stitch" the image of the mat. Like most, I only have a regular flatbed scanner which does scan the size of the Cameo PixScan mat. 

Since I am in no way affiliated with Silhouette, I don't receive discounts, payment, or any other perks I am allowed to give my honest opinions. I can honestly say, Silhouette is not like some other companies whom pay for positive feedback and reviews from blogs, YouTube and other media sources. Nor do they ever have any plans of doing such a thing. When I told them the only thing I want to be able to do is give my honest opinion on anything I test they told me this is what they wanted and I am entitled to do so. Right now, I'm not on board with the scanning feature, but hopefully after the walk through I'll get the technique down and will be able to report back with some nice results. 

I did want to let everyone know the PixScan mats are only for the Portrait and Cameo cutting machines. I've noticed a drop in price on the Cameo cutting machines and believe there is a new cutting machine on its way. This is just speculative. Silhouette will not speak of this to me. Of course, I asked....lol. 

For those who don't believe Silhouette places their consumers first I would like to make a few comments. Over time I have corresponded with Silhouette contacts. I have asked and even nagged about having certain features. I asked for layers, the ability to bring in PDF files and auto trace them. I've also asked for a cutting machine that will have the ability to cut heavier materials easily and so much more. There are many things I have requested along with other Silhouette users. I have to give a round of applause to the Silhouette America company. They have delivered to us, their valued customers, so many nice things. I also asked to have the ability to save files as .svg files. No, we don't have this ability yet, but I know they listen and if they don't add this ability it's because of good reasons I may not understand. Some have set out to nit pick the company and their efforts completely apart. They obviously do not know nor have they learned the things I have learned about how much they value their customers and their customers opinions. Yes, there was an error made when the first release of Studio V3 came out, but they left us options to use V2 and continued to work hard and pay a lot to get the software perfected. They were simply trying to keep us, the consumers happy by introducing new software we wanted. I love the cut by color, line color, and layer features. 

This may sound off the wall and paranoid and is not the thoughts of any Silhouette America employee. This is all me. I have wondered from time to time when I've read negative things about Silhouette; if  these people are plants to sabotage the good name of Silhouette and all of the tireless efforts they have made to bring us the best. Every day, Silhouette employees work hard, throw around new concepts and ideas to bring us better and better.They are not perfect, they will make mistakes, but they are the most consumer friendly company I've ever dealt with. Even before I ever knew one person at this company I was able to get superior customer service and technical support. Silhouette technical support has been my teacher and never did they get tired of hearing from me. Again, I applause this company, their employees, technical support and customer service.  

Oh, while I was carrying on I forgot to mention another belief I have. Seeing the price of the Cameo going down, the new "Business Edition" of the software I really think there is a new Silhouette in the making. Again, I have not and probably will not be told one way or the other, but I do believe....lol time for me to start saving some crafting dollars. You all know I'll have to have one...lol.

Now that I have this off my chest....lol. I want to show a picture of how the "daisy card" image came into PixScan. This was easy, I just did a screen shot. I'll try and get the other pictures shared when I get the time. We are doing some kitchen remodeling and things are topsy turvy.



  1. Hi Debbie! Thank you for the update. I already ordered my pixcan portrait mat and cant wait to receive it. Yesterday I was so excited to know the update was available so I went ahead and downloaded the update to my PC but I kept getting a message that the file is corrupted, I tried 4 times to download the update but with no luck so I contacted Silhouette by email but I havent received a reply yet. I wanted to know if you had any ideas why am I getting the message of "file corrupted". Thank You. Soraya

  2. Debbie, you know what I love about you? Your candor! You don't have to do what you do. Simple enough. You don't. But......Lady, I am sooooo happy that you do!!!! I know when I read something that you have posted about Silhouette, it is from the heart! I have learned soooo much from you, and I know lots of other have also. When you learn something, guess what, I know shortly, you will have itavailable for me to learn. I thank you for your honest opinion. I am so happy that you are here. I hope and pray that Silhouette America appreciates all the effort that you put in, just trying to stay atop of what is happening and teaching us how to use our machines. When you learn, we learn. Thank you for all you do and for all the feedback that you give and for trying to learn more each day. You Rock!!!! God Bless you my friend and hugs, Patty

    1. Hi Patty, Thank you for being so sweet. You have made my heart do some flip flops and melt. You my dear lady are the one who ROCKS! Love and hugs, Debbie

  3. If a new one is on the way, wish they or someone had a trade in program. Hope you will still keep Cameo updates and tutes for us! You are so awesome. Not like I have even tried V3 as I done get time as much. I read blogs and save files for......"one day!" ;)

  4. I am glad for your honest opinions when it comes to Sihlouette; it is invaluable for for all of us!!! As for the "plants" who who downgrade the company, I believe they are real and I believe they are working for rival companies who pay people willling to badmouth another company. Have you ever looked at recipes on AllRecipes.com? A recipe can have a good five star rating and there is always one that give it a horrible review and it's usually for something totally idiodic. I would bet $1000 that one is a plant. THANK YOU for honest opinions and all the help you give to the rest of us!

  5. Thank you so much for what you do. Even though I have tried to calibrate my camera, it is not working. I will try to contact Silhouette for some help.
    Love your tutorials

    1. I learned a good lesson when calibrating the camera. At first, I was trying to make sure I had the entire letter size sheet in the camera. This doesn't have to be done. The most important thing is to make sure you take a photo in a "bird's eye view" (over the top of the image, make sure you have even and goo lighting, when looking through the camera make sure the dots line up nicely and then take the photo. I took several the first time I calibrated and the picture that worked the best was the one that looks like a picture of polka dot paper without anything else around it like the table or something like this. If you can send me an email form my "Email Me" link on the right hand side of the page I'll send you a photo example of the way your calibration picture should look. Best wishes, Debbie

  6. How do you print the photo of the calibration page is you have a standard size printer.... Not a large format printer?

  7. thanks for all of this great information that be it really is helpful and I'm anxious to get the mat that I ordered so I can start to play with this feature as well. I am really excited about the possibility of a new Silhouette Cameo or perhaps a new name machine. I have been very impressed with be cutting ability that I have seen on the cricut Explore particular ability to cut materials that would not cut on my Cameo.I was thinking of ordering a cricut Explore but perhaps now I will wait with the heads up you gave up on the possibility of a new machine by Silhouette--I do love the software.

  8. Thank you for taking the time from your remodel to post your comments and update experience. I appreciate your time. I'm very happy with the new update. I am using the Cameo to cut my fabric applique for quilts and look forward to taking a picture of odd shape fabric scraps and nesting feature to visually see the appkique shapes on the fabric image.
    Thank you again

  9. Hi Debbie, I always look forward to your blog posts.

    I did contact Silhouette and the gentleman I spoke with was nice and very helpful. No complaints here.

    But I am having one problem with trying to picture how the camera works with the new mat. I make custom size paper placement in the Silhouette program for PnS, and the registration marks print correctly and the cuts are correct. In essence I am saving paper. Is this not what the new mat does? I am having trouble visualizing this in my mind.


    1. Hi Marda, yes we can save paper by taking photos of even our smallest scrap. Once scraps are placed on the mat, we can take a photo, then create the shapes we would like them to into the scrap pieces. I duplicated several of the shapes and "Nested" them into the shape of the scraps. You do have to auto trace or draw around the shape of the pieces of scraps and then select that area with the "Nesting" tool as the area you want the shapes to be nested. Another thing it can be used for is to cut out images from a magazine, card, or any other media with a shape you want cut. A good example is fabric. If you photograph a piece of fabric and want several shapes cut out of the fabric you can do the same thing as if it were scrap paper or vinyl.As far a s a Print and Cut goes I prefer to do this in the regular way. I will warn everyone; sometimes it's difficult to auto trace images and it can get a bit fiddly if too many other things are around it. Hopefully, Silhouette will release some videos real soon. Big hugs, Debbie

  10. I want to add my thanks to that of the rest here. I really appreciate getting the good, the bad, and the ugly, rather than a rosy glow that leaves my not knowing... You do a great job!

  11. Thanks so much, Debbie! Somehow I missed a lot of your posts and since I just bought a Pixscan mat, I'm eager to get it right so I can enjoy this new feature! Thanks so much for being real and sharing your knowledge! I really appreciate it!


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