Today as promised the newest Studio 3.0.532 update was released. Silhouette had already let us know in advance this new update was not a "fix all" update. I wanted to make sure to remind all of us whom may still be having some issues to continue to be patient while the Silhouette programmers continue to work away.
I was thilled to get a little bit of an early sneak peek of the software so I played around for a while and made some notes to share with all of you.
For the most part I'm pretty please with some of the discoveries and will be patient while I await other issue to be addressed. The wonderful thing about Silhouette support and the programmers for Silhouette is; they listen and care about the input we give them. With all of the videos and emails I send them they always reply with a kind thank you and show of appreciation for what I'm trying to do. They feel this way about all of their customers and value our feedback. I would have thought by now I would have driven them
If you would like to see a list of all the issues Silhouette has addressed you can check them out by clicking on this link : Studio V 3.0.531 Release Notes They addressed so very many of our concerns and bug reports. Speaking for myself; I was already pleased with the new cut by layers, line color, fill color, the new Arc tool, Nesting feature and some of the other things added that I honestly never had any major complaints but I know many have had some not so nice issues they were dealing with. I hope the fixes for all you is in this update.
Before this release I wasn't able to do a TWAIN scan with my HP 6500 series scanner. The great news is I can now scan using TWAIN. I've read on the forum; some Mac users are still having issues with TWAIN scanning. I'm sure it is complicated and difficult for programmers to work around all of the operating systems but I have faith they will eventually get it all worked out.
The other issue I discovered recently was during a file save. The file I was trying to save is rather large (4 MB) and has a lot of intricate detailed line art. When I try to save it, it will show a working bar that says "Generating Cut Job" then when I click anywhere inside of Studio I get the message "Studio Not Responding" this causes me to have to go to the Task Manager and close out of Studio. I end up getting a temporary file saved but it won't open the cut file I tried to save. Any other files have saved just fine. I made a video and reported this to Silhouette Support just in case others may have the same issue. I was finally able to save it as a V2 file but really wanted to have it has a V3 file.
Another change.... we use to be able to use the Control + Click and Drag method to duplicate a shape. We can still do this but it has changed to Alt + Click and Drag. The Control + Click and Drag will now bring up the "Transfer Properties/Eye Dropper Tool", I like having this short cut but know many of my old videos show using this short cut to duplicate a shape by clicking and dragging; again no big deal because the word will get around. One more neat thing is the ability to duplicate text and shapes by using the Control + Arrow Keys. The arrow you choose will duplicate the test or shape in that direction. Pretty neat.
I created a PDF file with all of the short cuts and highlighted the new ones. Some of these shortcuts come in real handy. If you would like to grab this to have a shortcut resource you can download it here: Silhouette Studio Shortcuts I apologize to all those whom use Macs for not making a PDF file for all of you. As you all probably know by now I'm a PC user. I think those of you whom use Macs can substitute many of the shortcuts with the Command key and other familiar Mac keys to do the same things. I also discovered later in my explorations that the Control + Arrow Keys not only moved text but shape so in the PDF it will only show it's used for moving shapes.
So far I have really enjoyed seeing the how many bugs have been fixed. I know this newest release was not promised to be a "fix all" but Silhouette sure did a great job addressing so many issues. I know they will continue to work on making this the very best cutting software we can own. I believe positive thoughts will bring positive things and our feedback has helped out Silhouette America so much. Isn't it nice to know we are appreciated.
Have a blessing filled day everyone,
Debbie ♥
I was thilled to get a little bit of an early sneak peek of the software so I played around for a while and made some notes to share with all of you.
For the most part I'm pretty please with some of the discoveries and will be patient while I await other issue to be addressed. The wonderful thing about Silhouette support and the programmers for Silhouette is; they listen and care about the input we give them. With all of the videos and emails I send them they always reply with a kind thank you and show of appreciation for what I'm trying to do. They feel this way about all of their customers and value our feedback. I would have thought by now I would have driven them
If you would like to see a list of all the issues Silhouette has addressed you can check them out by clicking on this link : Studio V 3.0.531 Release Notes They addressed so very many of our concerns and bug reports. Speaking for myself; I was already pleased with the new cut by layers, line color, fill color, the new Arc tool, Nesting feature and some of the other things added that I honestly never had any major complaints but I know many have had some not so nice issues they were dealing with. I hope the fixes for all you is in this update.
Before this release I wasn't able to do a TWAIN scan with my HP 6500 series scanner. The great news is I can now scan using TWAIN. I've read on the forum; some Mac users are still having issues with TWAIN scanning. I'm sure it is complicated and difficult for programmers to work around all of the operating systems but I have faith they will eventually get it all worked out.
The other issue I discovered recently was during a file save. The file I was trying to save is rather large (4 MB) and has a lot of intricate detailed line art. When I try to save it, it will show a working bar that says "Generating Cut Job" then when I click anywhere inside of Studio I get the message "Studio Not Responding" this causes me to have to go to the Task Manager and close out of Studio. I end up getting a temporary file saved but it won't open the cut file I tried to save. Any other files have saved just fine. I made a video and reported this to Silhouette Support just in case others may have the same issue. I was finally able to save it as a V2 file but really wanted to have it has a V3 file.
Another change.... we use to be able to use the Control + Click and Drag method to duplicate a shape. We can still do this but it has changed to Alt + Click and Drag. The Control + Click and Drag will now bring up the "Transfer Properties/Eye Dropper Tool", I like having this short cut but know many of my old videos show using this short cut to duplicate a shape by clicking and dragging; again no big deal because the word will get around. One more neat thing is the ability to duplicate text and shapes by using the Control + Arrow Keys. The arrow you choose will duplicate the test or shape in that direction. Pretty neat.

I created a PDF file with all of the short cuts and highlighted the new ones. Some of these shortcuts come in real handy. If you would like to grab this to have a shortcut resource you can download it here: Silhouette Studio Shortcuts I apologize to all those whom use Macs for not making a PDF file for all of you. As you all probably know by now I'm a PC user. I think those of you whom use Macs can substitute many of the shortcuts with the Command key and other familiar Mac keys to do the same things. I also discovered later in my explorations that the Control + Arrow Keys not only moved text but shape so in the PDF it will only show it's used for moving shapes.
So far I have really enjoyed seeing the how many bugs have been fixed. I know this newest release was not promised to be a "fix all" but Silhouette sure did a great job addressing so many issues. I know they will continue to work on making this the very best cutting software we can own. I believe positive thoughts will bring positive things and our feedback has helped out Silhouette America so much. Isn't it nice to know we are appreciated.

Have a blessing filled day everyone,
Debbie ♥